After you’ve tirelessly just finished cleaning your home you may find that it’s not long thereafter that a fresh layer of dust has settled right on top of your once cleaned surfaces. Most of us believe that in order to keep our home dust free, we need to clean every day. Some will opt for options such as improving their homes insulation, and resealing windows and doors. However, in many cases, the dust in your home may be coming from your home’s HVAC system. Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning will share how your HVAC system can contribute to the dust and some solutions to this ongoing problem.
Change Home Air Filters
Air filters is one of many sources for dust that is spreading throughout your home. The air filter is designed to capture the indoor air pollutants, including dirt and dust from the air, keeping both the indoor air cleaner and the air conditioner protected. When the air filters become too dirty or compacted, they can no longer clean or capture the same amount of pollutants in the air. Especially for those who live in Southern Nevada, we are prone to frequent wind storms that cause a lot of dust to circulate inside the home. To help reduce the amount of dust inside your home, make sure to keep your air filters clean and check them regularly.
Air Duct Cleaning & Inspection for Leaks
Air ducts are another major source of dust that is circulated inside the home. The air ducts often get filled with dirt along with many other pollutants. As the air conditioner is active it is circulating the conditioned air through the air duct system. With strong air blowing through the air ducts, out comes the dust with it. How does dirt get inside the air ducts you may wonder? If the air ducts have a leak, dust can easily enter through the cracks. The air ducts will need to be inspected for leaks and if found, repaired to help prevent more dust getting inside the system. Additionally, it is natural for dust to accumulate over time which is why it is recommended to have the air conditioner ducts cleaned every five years to remove any dust buildup inside. After you have your air ducts cleaned, you will notice a major improvement in you indoor air quality and less dust in your home.
Dry Air is Another Cause of a Dusty House
Dry air is another major problem, especially here in the desert. We have very low humidity and this condition is a way for dust to remain in the air longer. One solution to the dust inside our home is to install a full home humidifier system. By maintaining the right level of humidity inside a home, it forces the dust particles to fall making it easier to clean and stay cleaner longer. Because Las Vegas or Southern Nevada has really dry air, dust is a constant problem. If you want to make dusting your home a less frequent chore, consider a full home humidifier.
Central Air Conditioning Services in Summerlin, North LV, Henderson, Enterprise, Paradise, Sunrise Manor, Spring Valley, Aliante, Anthem, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Green Valley Ranch, Inspirada, Mountain’s Edge, Peccole Ranch, Providence, Rhodes Ranch, Seven Hills, Silverado Ranch, The Lakes, Tuscany Village & Las Vegas Nevada
For those who love having a clean and dust free home, these are a few ways you can battle your HVAC system and have a cleaner and healthier home. Less dust in your home’s air means cleaner indoor air and a cleaner home. For all of your HVAC needs, always contact Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning!