Air Filters in Your Home Offer Many Benefits to Your Family
When it comes to keeping up on our daily house chores, there are a few that may go unnoticed or become neglected. One of the most common overlooked areas of a home that needs to be changed regularly is the air filters. Your air conditioning unit works by recirculating air throughout your home. Indoor air can be up to 70% more polluted than outdoor air. Each system contains an air filter that traps pollutants such as dust, bacteria, mold spores and pet dander from continuously circulating throughout the air inside of your home. We rely heavily on our air conditioning units, especially throughout this time of the year when temperatures reach soaring heights and summer days can become extremely uncomfortable. However, many of us neglect to change the air filters which can result in illness, poor air circulation and system failure. Take the time to find out what type of air filter is best for your home and be sure to change it regularly for the best possible air flow and healthiest air for your family.
High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (HEPA) & High Efficiency Home Air Filters
If you or anyone in your family suffers from any kind of respiratory issue like asthma, allergies or other breathing problems, the best type of air filter for your home is the High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter or HEPA. HEPA filters are rated as the top filtration product by service experts and can remove up to 98% of pollutants in the air that flows throughout your home. HEPA filters are often used in hospitals due to how effective they are at eliminating harmful materials from the air. The next step down from the HEPA air filter is the High Efficiency Home Air Filter, notice the particulate is not in there, this filter will remove up to 85% of pollutants that flow through the air inside of your home. These air filters will assist in removing allergens from the air in your home and will also assist in making your air conditioning unit run smoother, cutting down on energy costs and functioning more efficiently.
Standard Pleated Media Home Air Filters must be Changed Often
The most common type of air filter that homeowners normally choose to go with is the standard pleated media home air filter. These air filters can be found at almost any hardware store and even sometimes in supermarkets as well. Pleated home air filters cost much less than the previously discussed options; however they must be changed every 30-90 days. If these filters are not changed within the appropriate time line, poor quality air will continue to flow through your home and you will be exposing yourself and your family members to certain health risks that include respiratory problems. Standard pleated air filters can eliminate up to 45% of pollutants in your home and the efficiency of these types of filters mainly depends on how many pleats they have per foot. While this may seem like the more cost effective choice, keep in mind that the High efficiency filters do not need to be changed as often as the pleated filters.